
Only users with “Chatter Auto Translator Admin Permission” can do this operation.

  1. Choose “Chatter Auto Translator” in the application.

  2. Click the tab “CA Chatter Auto Translator Settings” and choose “licence Register”.

  3. The screen “Chatter Auto Translator Register License” is displayed.

  4.  You have received an e-mail that its subject is “Sending of Chatter Auto Translator Trial Key”. Copy a trial key in the e-mail and paste it in the input box “CATranslatorLicenseKey” on the screen of “Chatter Auto Translator Register License”.
  5. Press “Register”.

  6. It completes if you see “Registration of license hey was successful” like below. Press “Back”.

  7. Information about the trial key is shown in settings. Auto translator is not activated right after a trial key is registered. Refer to “Activate / Inactivate Chatter Auto Translator” and activate auto translator.

【Relevant Article】


Last Update: 2023年10月26日
2019年6月18日Trial Version (Rosetta)
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